I took a career break as a 28yo designer

Personal reflections as I wrap up

Charmie Kapoor
3 min readAug 1, 2024

As I enter the final week of this break, I’m immersed in a swirl of emotions. Having always drawn deep meaning from my work, the decision to step away from a full-time role has been both refreshing and intimidating.

The challenge of stepping away

What do you do when you wake up to zero emails and an empty calendar? Disconnecting from my work routine was difficult at first. I decided to delete Slack, turn off my morning alarm, and step away from my desk. It felt almost rebellious but provided a rare opportunity to slow down.

I didn’t begin with a strict plan, nor did I want to. However, having some sense of direction felt useful. I set two main goals for my break: enhancing my health (embracing conscious habits) and expanding my network (connecting with people outside my bubble).

Getting into the rhythm

After Week 2, I had settled into the groove. I delved into new genres of reading, developed a genuine enjoyment for the gym, immersed myself in podcasts, explored fresh spots in my city, and connected with a diverse range of people — from sneaker designers to rocket engineers. I however did continue to work on some passion projects, albeit in a different capacity.

Over the past six months, I’ve engaged in activities and experiences that I wouldn’t have otherwise planned. They’re random, eclectic, and eventually made me realize what I don’t enjoy and what I find meaningful.

A few highlights:

  • Flew 12,000 kilometers to attend a close friend’s wedding
  • Traveled to 4 countries
  • Tried surfing for the first time
  • Met/spoke with over 100 designers across the world
  • Collaborated alongside people who inspired me
  • Designed a project from scratch on a 2-hour flight
  • Spent time with family in Bangalore, Mumbai, and Delhi
  • Walked more, averaging 8,000 steps daily
  • Went from running 0 to over 5k
  • Deadlifted my body weight
  • Maintained an (almost) zero-sugar diet
  • Got into making matcha
  • Coached 2 talented designers
  • Said yes to more social meetups
  • Tried becoming a morning person; it didn’t stick
  • DIY’d a home-office makeover
  • Experienced my first driverless car ride
  • Learned more about sneakers
  • Wrote with pen and paper more
  • Drove during the afternoons more
  • Read non-fiction more
  • Soaked up the sun more
  • Figured out what to do next :)

Looking back, one thing I could have improved was truly unplugging from work. With so many exciting developments in the tech world, I found myself pulled back in. Despite this, the break was incredibly rewarding. Especially proud of getting my resting heart rate down from 68 to 58 BPM.

The biggest takeaway? Trying something new — just step away from a usual routine and it’ll surprise you.

I’m writing this with nervous excitement for what’s next, feels like the end of a summer vacation.

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Charmie Kapoor

Designer • Basketball player | Ex-Unacademy, Microsoft, Harvard